Letter from the women of the village
Qa'yefwaj Clara zla'ye aqa'yefwas Teresa zla'ye Raquela zlay'ye Pamela, Otatemehen ozlamtes-na ta matche ta otichunamehen. Tik ohanej owoyneje ta tojwe awet, ta hap ta ch'aj. Naya t'at achotyaj ta letat-pej-noyehen. Wet fwala-na hap owenla ezl mak ta amezl letatnoyehen, wet ichatej ta leqajyaj ihi ozlamel. Wet atana ozlaip'altsenamehen mak ta ozlamel owatla - õp'onqai. Quince atsihnai ta iwatla lep'onqai. Wet tajzlame, qa'yefwas, nay t'at.
Iyehen, pp Antey'a, Tumey'a, Payenzli'ya, Tumeijla'ya, Tumeja'ya, Isabella, Patricia, Patricia lechita, Alcira, Yuzlana'ya, Woletse'ya, Liliana, Wiyese'ya, Fwune'ya, Atsihna Zlas.
Translated as: We send you these words, truly thinking of you. It's the best we can do because you live very far away. You have been more than generous with the help you have been sending us. What you send us makes us extremely happy. Now we beseech you for one other thing, skeins of wool. Fifteen women want skeins. That is all, friends.