Campaign - Call for Demarcation of Wichí Territory
Our Latest Campaign
We are starting a new letter-writing campaign and hope you will be able to help us. In 2007, the then president of Argentina, Nestor Kirchner initiated a process whereby all the lands occupied by Argentina’s indigenous peoples would be fairly and legally demarcated. Thus, a decree was enacted in 2008, which foresaw the completion of this process within three years. The process was to be supervised by INAI (National Institute of Indigenous Affairs).
Since then the process has stalled. The threats against indigenous lands however, have not lessened – indeed they are greater now than at any time in Chacolinks’ existence. We would therefore ask you to write to the current president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, to protest at the slowness of the demarcation process, and to ask her to speed it up.
We have prepared a draft letter for you to use. If you prefer, you can use it as the basis for your own wording. Please be polite. The letterhead gives the address for the Argentine President. Please also include your address in the letter, so you can get a reply. From the UK, you will need a £1 stamp. If you can, please send a copy (with a brief covering note) to the Argentine Embassy as well. The address is given below. For those supporters outside the UK, please check your own national Embassy address.
First Secretary,
Embassy of the Argentine Republic
65 Brook Street, London W1K 4AH, UK Draft Letter
S.E. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
Presidente de la República Argentina
Casa Rosada
Balcarce 50
1064 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Your Excellency,
I am writing to ask that you take urgent action to speed up the process of demarcation of indigenous lands in Argentina.
In 2007, your late husband, President Nestor Kirchner introduced a law committing the nation of Argentina to the demarcation of all traditional territories of the country’s indigenous peoples, to be completed within three years. Thus, in 2008, decree 1122/08 was enacted in order to regulate the implementation of Law 26-160, under the aegis of INAI (Instituto Nacional de Asuntos Indigenas).
Since 2008, the process appears to have stalled. Delay here means that justice is denied for the indigenous peoples of Argentina. Their rights are being neglected, despite the protection granted them by Constitution of Argentina.
I am a supporter of Chacolinks, and am particularly concerned with the Wichí inhabitants of Salta Province. In the years since 2007, persistent and continued encroachment onto their lands has taken place. Illegal felling of indigenous forest and theft of timber is rife. This requires urgent action on demarcation, which will give proper protection to all of Argentina’s indigenous population.
The livelihood of the Wichí is threatened; they are left with few resources whilst large companies exploit their forests. We urgently ask you to accelerate the process of demarcation and to ensure that the legitimate rights of the inhabitants of Argentina’s indigenous communities are respected. Please make sure that the process does not fail.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours respectfully and sincerely,
[Your name here]